Everything you need to know about the most sought-after rare variegated plant of the last years. Monstera deliciosa variegata albo has been on the top of the wish-lists of most tropical plant lovers in recent years. It is clear from the name itself that this is a variegated variant of the classic monstera deliciosa, and from the word ALBO the color of the variegation is white (the most common form, and among the most available, there are also plants with yellow variegation called Monstera deliciosa variegata AUREA and with green variegation referred to as Monstera deliciosa variegata MINT, which we also have on offer).
Why is monstera deliciosa variegata albo so popular?
The answer is easy: for its easy elegance and the endless possibility of variegated variations of individual leaves = each leaf is original and thus the whole plant is original, no one will ever find the same plant. A complete and unique one-of-a-kind. It is becoming (thanks to Welovetropicalplants too) more and more available, and more than one lover of tropical plants has several pieces of this white-green queen at home.
Monstera deliciosa variegata - DESCRIPTION
Monstera deliciosa variegata is a variegated monstera from the araceae family. It is a climbing houseplant, native to South America, the mature plant produces perforated leaves and fruits, thanks to the taste and delicacy of which the monstera deliciosa plant took its name. Ripe fruits are edible with a distinct taste of a combination of banana and pineapple.
Monstera deliciosa variegata - CARE
- Temperature: optimum temperature in the range of 18-26 °C, long-term temperatures below +10 °C can damage the plant
- Humidity: at least 50%, our plants are grown at 60-70 % humidity
- Light: it requires enough diffused light, it must not come into contact with direct sunlight, which will permanently damage it (there will appear brown spots unaesthetic)
- Substrate: it can be grown in many different substrates: in hydroponics, in inert mixtures or in well-draining mixtures, our plants are grown in a mixture of long-pile coconut fiber, perlite and additives
- Watering: if the plant is planted in a drainingmixture, it needs to be allowed to almost dry before the next watering, in the summer months and at higher temperatures watering will be more frequent than in winter at low temperatures
- Fertilization: we recommend fertilizing with a liquid fertilizer dissolved in watering water, we use 20-20-20 with other additives
Monstera deliciosa variegata albo - MULTIPLICATION
Monstera deliciosa variegata albo is most easily propagated by cuttings. Each cutting must contain at least one leaf with a plant node and ideally also an aerial root, which will facilitate the cutting to take root faster and more safely. You can find more information about how to make monstera deliciosa variegata albo steak here, including a more detailed photo guide.
Monstera deliciosa variegata is poisonous to animals and humans, but in small quantities it only causes increased drooling and nausea, but of course we do not recommend trying it.
Repotting and pot size
On the topic of transplanting, we have prepared a separate article for you, How to transplant monstera deliciosa variegata albo, in which you will learn everything you need to know. Coming soon.
Why to buy monstera deliciosa variegata albo from Welovetropicalplants:
- We are growers, not resellers
- We offer a wide selection of many plants of different variegations - fullmoon leaves, halfmoon leaves, mature plants, rooted cuttings, less variegated pieces and much more
- We have experience since 2020
- The price - we are trying to get this plant to all plant lovers
- Our plants grow only under natural light - we have no artificial lighting, we benefit from the advantage of 3391 hours of sunshine per year (The sunniest months in San Sebastiano al Vesuvio are June, July and August, when the sun shines an average of 13 hours 21 minutes a day. Least sunny months in San Sebastiano al Vesuvio: January, November and December receive an average of 7 hours 16 minutes of sunshine daily.)
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