How to care for ANTHURIUM: The best tips from the grower
Are you planning to get an anthurium or are you already its proud owner? Or do you just want to review the most important points in anthurium care? So you are in the right place. Below you will find some basic and important tips for anthurium care directly from the grower. We will bring a complete (but simplified) version of the manual on how to care for anthurium easily and successfully.
Light and position: Anthurium needs enough bright, diffused light, without direct sunlight, for proper growth. Place your anthurium in a spot with diffused light, direct sunlight would cause irreversible leaf burn.
NOTE: Plants in our glasshouses are growing only under natural light - we have an incredible advantage of benefit from the advantage of 3391 hours of sunshine per year
How do I know if the plant has enough or not enough light? Short answer: if the new leaf of the plant after the end of the growth phase is slightly larger than the previous leaf, then the plant has enough light. If the leaf is smaller (after growth), then the plant needs more light, you can try to move it to a brighter place or buy artificial lighting, of which there are many on the market.
Temperature: Anthurium is a tropical plant, it loves warm places. The ideal temperature for anthurium is between 18-26 °C, temperatures below +15 °C can irreversibly damage the plant. Prevent significant fluctuations in temperature, wind and wind flow.
- One of the most important things about watering is the quality of the water. The best water for watering all the plants is rainwater, which doesn' contain the salts, minerals and other compounds. Of course, I understand, no everyone has the opportunity to collect rainwater or to get it in another way. Then the list is followed by filtered, purified, baby water, etc. I'm sure you'll agree with me that most of us use classic tap water at home for watering the plants, some may even use standing water (which doesn't change the quality of the water, it's still just tap water), someone is lucky, and has tap water that is also very soft without calcium and chlorine.
- the filling water should be at room temperature.
- the frequency of watering depends on many factors: the type of substrate in which the plant grows, the humidity and temperature of the surrounding environment, the size of the plant, the variety of anthurium, etc.
Water the plant only when the substrate is almost dry. Too frequent watering can cause rotting of the roots and thus the gradual death of the whole plant. Insufficient watering can cause plants to dry out.
How do I know that my anthurium needs watering? Very quickly and easily: by weighting the plant = according to weight) or by finger test - by sticking your finger into the substrate, or with the help of a hygrometer (which is already a higher level).
Humidity: Anthurium is, as already mentioned, a tropical plant, so it loves not only high temperature, but also high humidity. If we provide the plant with enough moisture (our plants grow at 60-70% humidity), they will reward you with perfect leaves without damages. At low humidity, the plant may have a problem with leaf unwrapping, they may open imperfectly, they may be mechanically damaged, etc. Higher humidity is not a problem.
Substrate: It is not possible to directly specify which substrate is the best for anthuriums. We can say that anthuriums grow excellently in pure perlite (semihydro), in a drainage mixture, in PON, in pure sphagnum. Someone grows them in hydroponics, while someone else prefers expanded clay. It will probably be easier to say which type of substrate is completely unsuitable for anthurium: heavy, impermeable substrates. Excessive watering and insufficient drying of the substrate can cause rotting of the root and then the death of the whole plant.
NOTE: You can mix the substrate yourself at home, and of course use it for other plants as well. We also mix our own substrate for our anthuriums: peat with long hair, perlite, peat with short hair, coconut fiber and additives (all in a certain proportion).
Fertilizing: We recommend liquid fertilizer for green indoor plants, if you already have some at home, you can use it with confidence. Dosing according to the label, stir the recommended amount well in the water and use. We recommend using every second watering throughout the year (if they grow under the same conditions = temperature and humidity).
These were the most important tips for Anthurium care, if you liked our article or if you have any questions, comments, please use the form below this post.
Many other topics are related to anthuriums, which we will gradually bring to you soon (insects, problems, types of anthurium, propagation of anthurium and more).