Monstera thai constellation
Pot size: 15 cm, transparent
Substrate: profi draining mix for aroids / sphagnum
Height: ↕ 50 cm
The plant is just repotted.
The Monstera thai constellation is a variegated Monstera deliciosa plant. It is known for its unique leaf pattern, which is said to resemble a star constellation. The leaves have a dark green background with yellowish-white speckles and splashes of yellow. The Monstera Thai Constellation is a rare cultivar that was first discovered in Thailand in the late 1990s in the lab.
The Monstera thai constellation has a very stable variegation. This means that when the plants reach maturity, cuttings can be made that will maintain the same variegation.
Our plants of Monstera thai constellation are grown from tissue culture, they are acclimated, established and well rooted. You can find many plants of Monstera thai constellation of different sizes, variegations and prices.
Tips for care
Photos were taken on:
18-07-2024 (DD-MM-YYYY)